Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blog 3

1. A world with “selves” or “I” would be a true disaster. Everyone would be piled together in a single group and most depend on one another just to survive. No one would be truly happy because you’ll feel that you were working harder then everyone else. A life with “I” would be hell…enough said. 3. “Equality 7-2521”, “International 4-8818”, and “The Golden One” are very wise names used for the characters so far in the book. “The Golden One” is originally called “Liberty 5-3000” and was renamed by Equality 7-2521 because in his, or should I say We, eyes she is golden, pure, and the most amazing thing in the world. While I am not sure why International 4-8818 is called this, but I am guessing that name means that he can do anything, but was chosen to be a street sweeper. And finally Equality 7-2521’s name is this because everyone is equal in their society. He is just one out of many, hence the We. 4. What do I think that the Unspeakable word is? I honestly think that it is “I”. No one in the book talks about “self”, “me”, or “I”. So, when the transgressor spoke the Unspoken Word, he probably said “I” and was punished because of this. It would be Unspeakable in society because the world they are in is a “Society” and doesn’t belong to just one person, like it does today. And like it was said in the book, the Transgressor spoke this Unspoken word and had his tongue pulled out and was burned at the stake. People looked at him like he was a demon because he said this word.

Blog 2

Ayn Rand, just from the part I have read is a very opinionated woman. The two portions of the article from my reading where very interesting. In the article a "Man's Right" she explored her opions expressing her philospy on the subject. Also in the reading "Collectivized Right's" she did the same but, set the two articles apart.Ayn Rand took in the first article expressed what people should have the right to. Then in her next one she expressed the different moral right's and man's rights. Which to me contradited itself in a way. This is because in my own opinon how can something be justified by the world but at the same time be morally right even when wrong? I believe that she has a great mind and plenty of great philosphy. All and all maybe she didn't contradict herself when writing but just merely opposed a different theory in her writng. I look forward to viewing more of her work and taking the time out to scrutinize her philosphy.

Blog 1 Definitions Ayn Rand

  1. Collectivism- a theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution
  2. Individualism- a doctrine that the interests of the individual are or ought to be ethically paramount
  3. Socialism- any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
  4. Capitalism- an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market
  5. Communism- a theory advocating elimination of private property

Monday, October 20, 2008


Love is somehting to feel tender affection for somebody such as a close relative or friend, or for something such as a place, an ideal, or an animal. It is also to feel romantic and sexual desire and longing for somebody. Love is more like to feel and show kindness and charity to somebody.


I am in favor of Obama for President because I feel that he will be a good president for the United States and he has alot to offer us. He stands for getting high school students into college and I like that. I want a president in office that will help me do what i need to do to get where i am going. Barack Obama for president everybody